Covid 19 Response Plan

Health and Safety Policy Statement:

Keep students and employees safe while minimising or negating any risks of the spread of COVID-19.

Follow hygiene protocols to meet best-practice guidelines of the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) and the Health and Service Executive (HSE).

Continue to monitor our COVID-19 response and amend this plan in consultation with our staff, students and renting facilities management.

Provide up to date information to parents, students and teachers on the Public Health advice issued by the HSE and

Ensure that every venue has information displayed on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and correct hand-washing techniques

Provide adequate COVID-19 training for teachers and assistant teachers

Put in place information for all students and staff of essential hygiene and respiratory etiquette and physical distancing requirements

Make sure all rental facilities have adapted the workplace to facilitate physical distancing, intensify cleaning / hygiene in line with government advice

Keep a contact log to help with contact tracing through class rolls

Have all teachers and assistants’ teachers undergo an induction / familiarisation briefing on correct procedures

Develop a procedure to be followed in the event of someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 while at the Ballet School

Section 1 – Procedures for returning to class at the Tanya Michelle School of Dance

Please ensure that your child is aware of the requirements for hand hygiene, sneezing and coughing etiquette and that they are aware of social distancing.

Parents will be required to fill in a Declaration Form on our website before their child returns to class.

If you are unsure whether you are in an at-risk category, please contact your GP.

Students/Parents/Guardians are required to complete the declaration form at checkout and inform us immediately if the answers change.

Section 2- Class Procedures

Parents and Guardians /Clear entry and exit to buildings.

To avoid unnecessary congregation of students and parents outside buildings, parents/guardians are requested to drop off and pick-up on time (maintaining social distancing).

Parents/Guardians and non-dancers are not allowed to enter the building and must wait outside in their cars.

The students will be collected from the entrance by the teacher or assistant teacher and returned to their parents /guardian at the end of the session.

Dance Studio

On entering & leaving the building, dancers are required to use hand sanitiser.

Dancers will be required to arrive in practice clothes.

Restricted numbers in classes which will allow for two metres distancing.

We will use a pod system when necessary to minimise groups of dancers mixing.

Within the Dance Studio, 2 metre spacing will be marked out at the barre and in the centre.

There will be a 10 – 15 minutes break between sessions so that the Barres can be wiped with disinfectant and the room can be aired. The toilet area will also be cleaned during this time.

In St Killian’s Scouts Hall students may be asked to enter by the main door and exit via the side door to avoid gathering in groups.

In The Abbey, Clane and Rathcoole Community Centre, students will be required to enter and leave by the main entrance adhering to social distancing. Time has been made between each class to avoid class crossovers.


Students will be asked to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser before starting class.

Students will be required to arrive in practice gear with their outdoor shoes and coats.

There will be a designated space set for each student which will be wiped down between classes.

Students over 12 years of age will be required to wear face masks.

Students will bring their own mats, water bottles. There will be no sharing of mats or water bottles or personal items.

Each student will have their own prop bag/character shoes and character skirt. There will be no sharing of props or dance wear.

Inhalers/mobile phones must be brought to class in a sealed plastic bag

We are sorry but no other items, toys etc are allowed in the studio

Section 3 – Teacher Responsibilities 

All teachers and teaching assistant have completed the Sports Ireland COVID-19 Return to Sport Certificate.

All teachers will adhere to appropriate distancing and face covering guidelines.

Review risk assessment procedures and the safety practice systems.

Renewal of statutory Certification where extra training is needed.

The COVID trained officer will also detail to staff emergency procedures.

Brief all teachers on the tasks and their responsibilities.

The Tanya Michelle School of Dance will adhere to all the regulations laid down by the Rathcoole Community Centre, St Killian’s Scouts Den and the Abbey Community Centre.

The health and safety of our pupils and teachers must be paramount in all our preparations for returning in September.

© 2020 Tanya Michelle School of Dance - All Rights reserved